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Select your Band. Band A (N206.8/kwh), Bands B (N63/kwh), C (N50/kwh), D (N43/kwh), and E (N40/kwh), if not known select, Not Known - From your last Power Credit receipt divide the amount showing on your recipt before VAT and commission by the units shown on the receipt.
Enter the number of days since you loaded your Meter with Power credit since after April 4, 2024
Enter the amount you have paid to buy Power Credits Since you April 4, 2024
Enter the number of Power credit units allocated to the purchase you entered in your last purchase since April 4, 2024
Enter the Power units shown on your meter
Enter what the number of units was before you loaded the units of the last pourchase
This is the period specified in average number of hours when Solar Energy is not fully available and the batteries stored energy provides the energy for the energy demand.
Enter the number of hours you get energy from the Grid (NEPA) during the Battery Usage Period defined above
Add the Power rating of all the loads you use during the Battery Period
This is the period specified in average number of hours when Solar Energy is generated at full capacity to meet the energy demand.
Enter the number of hours you get energy from the Grid (NEPA) during the Solar-Energy Generation Period defined above
Add the Power rating of all the loads you use during the Solar-Energy Generation Period
Enter the wattage of the Panel you intend to use, if you have decided what to use.
Battery type
This is the Cycles life of the battery, Select according to Battery Data sheet. If not known select NA
This is the Depth of Discharge you intend to maintain in line with the Specification of the Battery. Check this from the Battery manual. If you can't find it or your don’t know, don't alter figure.


Don't alter any figures in this section unless you're sure about what to enter.
Since all loads connected will not be powered at the same time during the Battery Period, this entry is the average percentage of the maximum load installed in the system expected to be consumed or utilised during the Battery Period.
Since all loads connected will not be powered at the same time during the Solar-Energy-Generation Period, this entry is the average percentage of the maximum load installed in the system expected to be consumed or utilised during the Solar Period.
This is the maximum percentage of the installed capacity expected to be generated after considerations of losses.


Enter your location and address.
Enter your Latitude
Enter your Longitude